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Expert Training Solutions for a Competitive Edge

Transform your business approach with Performance Management Group's specialized training solutions. Our programs, grounded in over three decades of industry expertise, are tailored to supercharge your team's capabilities in Sales and Financial Services. Dive into a world of dynamic, results-oriented training that promises to elevate your operational success and drive substantial growth.

Next Person Up
Promote from within and keep your management bench loaded with our Next Person Up Training. Our Program helps you identify and train your next management team. We utilize our 5-day Performance Academy Program as the basis to customize a training program designed to have your next F&I manager ready to either back up for a vacation or step in full-time if needed.
  • 1-day Menu Selling Skills:  In today’s market, Menu Selling is the only way to ensure that your customers are being offered all the options that are available in the Financial Services Office while staying compliant.  Through classroom instruction and video roll playing, this course will provide the basic skills needed to effectively set up and present a menu as well as overcome the objections that arise. 
  • 3-day Advanced Menu Selling Skills: This class will build upon the skills achieved in our Basic Menu Selling Skills course.  We will concentrate on overcoming the more difficult objections and introduce more advanced sales tools .  Extensive video role playing will give your Financial Service Manager the confidence to implement these new skills at the dealership.
  • 5-day Performance Academy:

    This course will cover all aspects of the Financial Services Department. Topics will include; interviewing and presentation skills, objection handling, lender relations, time management and organization skills, internal and external relationships, compliance, CSI, contract administration, department income projections and how to be an effective manager.

  • 3 day Steps to the Sale:  Give your new hires the basic skills they will need to be successful.  This 3 day off site course will concentrate on the 10 Steps to the Sale.  Role playing and video training will provide each participant with the confidence they will need to take that first customer.
  • 5 day Rookie Camp:  This course, designed for those new to the car business, will cover all areas of being a true Sales Professional.  Topics include the 10 Steps to the Sale, time management, prospecting, building an owner base and more.
  • 1 day Tools for Success: Today’s tight employment market makes it even more important to insure the success of our salespeople.  No longer can you hire new salespeople anytime you need them.  You must develop your own sales team. Your sales team’s success is directly related to their ability to market automobiles on a consistent basis.  By offering your salespeople a consistent training program you are polishing their selling skills and providing them with the tools necessary to compete in this ever changing marketplace.  If salespeople are selling automobiles and making money they are less likely to leave for greener pastures or get out of the business.

On-site training is the cornerstone of our development programs.  Our weekly visits to your dealership provide the continual motivation, support and training that will bring your Sales and Financial Services Departments to the next level.  Real time in dealership situations allow us to mentor your Management team and provide instant resolution of the many challenges you Manager face on a daily basis.

  • Management Roundtables: Monthly meetings will bring together Sales Management and Financial Services to review results and discuss opportunities to improve.  The focus of these 45 minute meetings is to work toward common goals and maximize opportunities.
  • One on One Training and Mentoring:  Weekly conversations with the Management team to discuss progress and maximize opportunities.  This informal meeting allows us to mentor and guide your team and provide insight into the challenges they are facing that week.